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Fischer FriederikeDaniela Finkmann
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hier findet ihr gute Materialien zur Geschichte der anglophonen Welt, also von GB, der USA, Australiens und anderer anglophoner Länder, die zum ehemaligen Commonwealth gehörten

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Cover: Ireland profile - Timeline - BBC News


A chronology of key events in the history Ireland


Englisch: Sekundarstufe II

Cover: History of Australia


The Impact of European Exploration & Colonization

Unterrichtsbaustein/-reihe, News

Englisch: Sekundarstufe I

Cover: A history of Apartheid in South Africa | South African History Online


Translated from the Afrikaans meaning 'apartness', apartheid was the ideology supported by the National Party (NP) government and was introduced in South Africa in 1948. Apartheid called for the separate development of the different racial groups in South Africa.


Englisch: Sekundarstufe II

Cover: History | South African Government


Some 2 000 years ago, the Khoekhoen (the Hottentots of early European terminology) were pastoralists who had settled mostly along the coast, while the San (the Bushmen) were hunter-gatherers spread across the region. At this time, Bantu-speaking agropastoralists began arriving in southern Africa, spreading from the eastern lowlands to the Highveld.


Englisch: Sekundarstufe II

Cover: Canada History - In a Nutshell. - YouTube


The animated history of Canada in a nutshell from the European perspective. Why is Canada not part of the United States? Officially, the country is 150 years...


Englisch: Sekundarstufe II



Australia history and timeline: Long before the an­cient civ­i­li­za­tions in the Middle East, Europe and the Americas flour­ished, and more than 50,000 years be­fore Eu­ro­pe­an, Asian or Middle Eastern navigators recorded visits to the shores of “the Great South Land”, Australian Ab­o­rig­i­nal people oc­cu­pied this continent. Living in harmony with the land, they developed a culture rich and complex in its customs, religions and lifestyles, which was abruptly interrupted by the arrival of the British in 1788 – the First Fleet, with a cargo of convicts.


Englisch: Sekundarstufe II

Cover: Commonwealth of Nations


The Commonwealth of Nations, generally known simply as the Commonwealth, is a political association of 54 member states, almost all of which are former territories of the British Empire. The chief institutions of the organisation are the Commonwealth Secretariat, which focuses on intergovernmental aspects, and the Commonwealth Foundation, which focuses on non-governmental relations amongst member states.


Englisch: Sekundarstufe II, Erwachsenenbildung

Cover: French Canadians


French Canadians (including those who are no longer French-speaking) constitute the second largest ethnic group in Canada, behind those of English ancestry and ahead of those of Scottish and Irish ancestry. In total, those whose speak French in Canada is a number up to 7.2 million people or comprising 22.8 % of the Canadian population.


Englisch: Sekundarstufe II

Medien (1)

Cover: Virtual Tour through 17th century London

Interaktives Medium

In diesem Video werden die Zuschauer:innen auf eine virtuelle Tour durch London im 17. Jahrhundert begleitet. Die Repräsentation soll zeigen wie London vor dem großen Feuer von 1666 ausgesehen hat.

Interaktives Medium

Englisch, Geschichte: Primarstufe, Sekundarstufe I, Sekundarstufe II, Berufliche Bildung, Erwachsenenbildung, Förderschule

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