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Bilingualer Geschichtsunterricht

Bilingualer Geschichtsunterricht

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Cover: Stone Age


The Stone Age is the name given to the earliest period of human culture when stone tools were first used. In Europe, the Stone Age was around 40.000 - 5.000 years ago. This is a Bilingual History lesson for 2nd year learners (Klasse 6). The input will be an English video or a short text. The outcome may be a quiz, a worksheet or a poster.


Geschichte: Sekundarstufe I


Cover: Wharram Percy


In this learning path you can learn much about medieval life. Today Wharram PercyW-Logo.gif(English)church stands isolated in the middle of farmland but 800 years ago it was a bustling farming community of two hundred souls. Wharram Percy is the most famous of the many hundreds of lost villagesW-Logo.gif(English)of Medieval England. A walk around Wharram Percy was originally written for Year 7 students by Colin Beswick. → more information

Wiki, Lernobjekt / -pfad

Englisch, Geschichte: Sekundarstufe I, Sekundarstufe II


Cover: Weltkarten + Multiperspektivität: Die Erde ist keine Scheibe


Die Welt ist keine Scheibe - wie stellen wir die Welt auf einer Karte dar? Eine Einführungsstunde im Fach Geschichte für den Mittelstufen-, Oberstufen- oder bilingualen Oberstufenunterricht. Dieser Unterrichtsbaustein veranschaulicht die grundlegenden Methoden des Geschichtsunterrichts: - Gegebenes zu hinterfragen - Multiperspektivität - kriteriengeleitete Vergleiche - Analyse von Quellen mit Betrachtung des sozio-kulturellen Hintergrundes des/der Autor*in - den eigenen sozio-kulturellen Hintergrund bei der fundierten Meinungsbildung zu reflektieren - Unterstützung des Digitalen, um sich der Wahrheit anzunähern. Die SuS beschreiben, vergleichen, evaluieren unterschiedliche Projektionen der Welt (Kartennetzentwürfe). Sie diskutieren im Anschluss die psychologischen, politischen Konsequenzen unterschiedlicher Darstellungen der Welt. Mit der Website nähern sie sich einer genaueren Darstellung der Welt bezüglich Größenverhältnissen der Länder an. Die Unterrichtsmaterialien sind in dreifacher Ausführung vorhanden: Mittelstufe, Oberstufe, bilingualer Unterricht in der Oberstufe.


Geschichte: Sekundarstufe I, Sekundarstufe II

Digital Learning Lab

Cover: Roman Britain


Roman Britain was governed by the Roman Empire, from 43 to 410 AD. It comprised almost the whole of England and Wales. This is a Bilingual History lesson for 2nd year learners (Klasse 6).


Geschichte: Sekundarstufe I


Cover: Milestones in American History


Darstellung der Meilensteine der amerikanischen Geschichte, ergänzt durch Links und weiterführende Informationen.


Englisch, Geschichte: Sekundarstufe I, Sekundarstufe II


Cover: Civil Rights Movement


In this learning path you can learn much about the Civil Rights Movement in the USA. After slavery was abolished, life didn't change to much for the black population. After the second world war people fought against Segregation and for their rights. Most famous was Martin Luther King. With the Civil Rights Act (1964) and the Voting Rights Act (1965) segregation was officially ended. Today, however, American society is still divided and African Americans still have to fight for their rights. It is recommended to do the exercises in the correct order. You can, however, change the order personnally. But take care to work on the right quizzes.

Wiki, Lernobjekt / -pfad

Englisch, Geschichte: Sekundarstufe I, Sekundarstufe II


Cover: Ancient Egypt


Ancient Egypt is one of the oldest civilizations. Their pyramides are the only one of the 7 world wonders left. Tombs full of gold and mummies are even today fascinating! This is a Bilingual History lesson for 2nd year learners (Klasse 6). The input will be an English video or a short text. The outcome may be a quiz, a worksheet or a poster.


Geschichte: Sekundarstufe I


Cover: Bronze Age Britain


The Bronze Age is a historical period that was characterized by the use of bronze and other early features of civilization like ceramics or weaving textiles. In Europe it started circa 3200BC and ended with the use of iron around 600BC. This is a Bilingual History lesson for 2nd year learners (Klasse 6). The input will be an English video or a short text. The outcome may be a quiz, a worksheet or a poster.


Geschichte: Sekundarstufe I


Medien (2)

Cover: Atlantic slave trade | Slavery | Involuntary immigrants

Video (162 Stunden)

Video von segu Geschichte | Modul “Atlantic Slave Trade” Der Link zu Lernmodul: Sprecher: Robin Whelan, Liverpool Das Video beinhaltet 1. eine englischsprachige Darstellung über den atlantischen Sklavenhandel, 2. zwei Aufgaben hierzu, die Schüler_innen handschriftlich in ihrer Geschichtsmappe bearbeiten. Dieses Video steht unter CC-BY-SA 4.0 (segu Geschichte) und gehört zu den OER (Open Educational Resources – freie Bildungsmedien) | Sie dürfen dieses Video verbreiten, kopieren und auf einer Homepage einfügen.


Geschichte: Sekundarstufe I, Sekundarstufe II


Cover: Solving Mysteries with Archaeologists!

Video (4 Minuten)

Learn all about archaeologists: the scientists who solve the great mysteries of human history!


Sachunterricht, Geschichte, MINT: Sekundarstufe I, Sekundarstufe II


Unterrichtsplanung (4)

Cover: Geschichte bilingual – ZUM-Unterrichten


Geschichte bilingual, auch CLIL, (Content and Language Integrated Learning) meint Geschichtsunterricht auf Deutsch und in einer Fremdsprache, zumeist in Englisch, aber auch in Französisch und prinzipiell auch in anderen Sprachen.

Nachschlagewerk, Methoden

Geschichte: Sekundarstufe I, Sekundarstufe II

Cover:  American History 17th and 18th Century


Unterrichtsbausteine und Module für den bilingualen Geschichtsunterricht rund um “American History 17th and 18th Century”.


Geschichte: Sekundarstufe I, Sekundarstufe II

Cover: Road to Independence – ZUM-Unterrichten


Unterrichtsbaustein rund um das Thema “Road to Independence”. Content Goals: In this learning path, you will learn about three main events leading up to the American Independence about the Declaration of Independence Difficulty Level: In this learning path, you will find different sources for each topic. They are marked according to their difficulty level.


Englisch, Geschichte: Sekundarstufe I, Sekundarstufe II

Cover: Weltkarten + Multiperspektivität: Die Erde ist keine Scheibe


Die Welt ist keine Scheibe – wie stellen wir die Welt auf einer Karte dar? Eine Einführungsstunde im Fach Geschichte für den Mittelstufen-, Oberstufen- oder bilingualen Oberstufenunterricht. Dieser Unterrichtsbaustein veranschaulicht die grundlegenden Methoden des Geschichtsunterrichts: – Gegebenes zu hinterfragen – Multiperspektivität – kriteriengeleitete Vergleiche – Analyse von Quellen mit Betrachtung des sozio-kulturellen Hintergrundes des/der Autor*in – den eigenen sozio-kulturellen Hintergrund bei der fundierten Meinungsbildung zu reflektieren – Unterstützung des Digitalen, um sich der Wahrheit anzunähern. Die SuS beschreiben, vergleichen, evaluieren unterschiedliche Projektionen der Welt (Kartennetzentwürfe). Sie diskutieren im Anschluss die psychologischen, politischen Konsequenzen unterschiedlicher Darstellungen der Welt. Mit der Website nähern sie sich einer genaueren Darstellung der Welt bezüglich Größenverhältnissen der Länder an. Die Unterrichtsmaterialien sind in dreifacher Ausführung vorhanden: Mittelstufe, Oberstufe, bilingualer Unterricht in der Oberstufe.


Geschichte: Sekundarstufe I, Sekundarstufe II

Digital Learning Lab

Praxismaterialien (2)

Cover: Wharram Percy


In this learning path you can learn much about medieval life. Today Wharram PercyW-Logo.gif(English)church stands isolated in the middle of farmland but 800 years ago it was a bustling farming community of two hundred souls. Wharram Percy is the most famous of the many hundreds of lost villagesW-Logo.gif(English)of Medieval England. A walk around Wharram Percy was originally written for Year 7 students by Colin Beswick. → more information


Englisch, Geschichte: Sekundarstufe I, Sekundarstufe II


Cover: Civil Rights Movement


In this learning path you can learn much about the Civil Rights Movement in the USA. After slavery was abolished, life didn’t change to much for the black population. After the second world war people fought against Segregation and for their rights. Most famous was Martin Luther King. With the Civil Rights Act (1964) and the Voting Rights Act (1965) segregation was officially ended. Today, however, American society is still divided and African Americans still have to fight for their rights. It is recommended to do the exercises in the correct order. You can, however, change the order personnally. But take care to work on the right quizzes.


Englisch, Geschichte: Sekundarstufe I, Sekundarstufe II


Tools (0)

Quellen (0)

Bildungsangebote, Termine, Veranstaltungen (0)

Weitere Inhalte (18)

Cover: Geschichte bilingual — Landesbildungsserver Baden-Württemberg


Linkliste mit zahlreichen Materialien rund um den bilingualen Geschichtsunterricht.


Geschichte: Sekundarstufe I, Sekundarstufe II

Cover: Education and Outreach - The National Archives


Online resources and taught sessions.


Geschichte: Sekundarstufe I, Sekundarstufe II, Berufliche Bildung, Erwachsenenbildung

The National Archives

Cover: Roman Britain


Roman Britain was governed by the Roman Empire, from 43 to 410 AD. It comprised almost the whole of England and Wales. This is a Bilingual History lesson for 2nd year learners (Klasse 6).


Geschichte: Sekundarstufe I


Cover: Bronze Age Britain


The Bronze Age is a historical period that was characterized by the use of bronze and other early features of civilization like ceramics or weaving textiles. In Europe it started circa 3200BC and ended with the use of iron around 600BC. This is a Bilingual History lesson for 2nd year learners (Klasse 6). The input will be an English video or a short text. The outcome may be a quiz, a worksheet or a poster.


Geschichte: Sekundarstufe I


Cover: Stone Age


The Stone Age is the name given to the earliest period of human culture when stone tools were first used. In Europe, the Stone Age was around 40.000 – 5.000 years ago. This is a Bilingual History lesson for 2nd year learners (Klasse 6). The input will be an English video or a short text. The outcome may be a quiz, a worksheet or a poster.


Geschichte: Sekundarstufe I


Cover: Milestones in American History


Darstellung der Meilensteine der amerikanischen Geschichte, ergänzt durch Links und weiterführende Informationen.


Englisch, Geschichte: Sekundarstufe I, Sekundarstufe II


Cover: Ancient Egypt


Ancient Egypt is one of the oldest civilizations. Their pyramides are the only one of the 7 world wonders left. Tombs full of gold and mummies are even today fascinating! This is a Bilingual History lesson for 2nd year learners (Klasse 6). The input will be an English video or a short text. The outcome may be a quiz, a worksheet or a poster.


Geschichte: Sekundarstufe I


Cover: The Thirteen Colonies

Set up as a trading post in 1607, Jamestown was the first permanent English settlement in North America. England (and, from 1707 onwards, Great Britain) was able to conquer most parts of the North American east coast until the American Revolution in 1775. At that time, Great Britain controlled a vast variety of colonies in North America, the Caribbean and Asia. However, only thirteen of its colonies rebelled against the British rule at that time, while many remained in the British Empire. American History | Modul 5 | Wissen | Kolonialismus | ◻ leicht | ca. 20 min

Geschichte, Englisch: Sekundarstufe I, Sekundarstufe II


Cover: Pilgrims: Wie und warum reisten sie nach Nordamerika?

In diesem Lernmodul geht es englisch zu. Du lernst etwas über die Pilgrims, also die Pilgerväter der USA und ihren Weg dorthin. Da wir uns in amerikanischer Geschichte bewegen, dieses Mal auf Englisch.

Geschichte, Englisch: Sekundarstufe I, Förderschule


Cover: Colonizing the New World: Unterrichtsidee und Material zur Gründung der Kolonien

In diesem Lernmodul lernst du etwas über die Gründe für eine Auswanderung in die USA, die in der Gründungszeit der Kolonien dort vorherrschten. Mit Hilfe englischer Texte und Aufgaben lernst du zu verstehen, was die Menschen nach Amerika trieb.

Geschichte: Sekundarstufe I


Cover: Picturing Thanksgiving

Today, Thanksgiving is one of the most important holidays in the United States. Originally, the intention of the celebration was to thank God for the harvest and the survival of the Massachusetts colony during their first year. Over time, Thanksgiving became the secular family holiday it is today, with parades, sports events, and a traditional Thanksgiving dinner.

Geschichte: Sekundarstufe I, Sekundarstufe II


Cover: Declaration of Independence

The Declaration of Independence, mainly drafted by Thomas Jefferson, was adopted by the Continental Congress on July 4, 1776, and announced that the thirteen American colonies, then at war with Great Britain, regarded themselves as thirteen newly independent sovereign states, and no longer part of the British Empire. Instead they formed a new nation – the United States of America. What were the central points that Jefferson wanted to make?

Geschichte: Sekundarstufe I, Sekundarstufe II


Cover: Conflict with Britain

Until 1763, the British government had interfered very little with the internal affairs of its thirteen North American colonies. The relationship between the American colonies and their English mother country changed, however, after the French and Indian War in which France lost the colony of Louisiana and the territories east of the Mississippi River. Can the year 1763 be considered as a turning point in American colonial history?

Geschichte: Sekundarstufe I, Sekundarstufe II


Cover: Depicting the conflict - a British perspective

Since the Stamp Act of 1765, the British colonists in North America had rejected several taxes and tariffs which the British government had tried to impose. A central argument of the protesting colonists was that they could not decide about their own taxes, as they were not directly represented in the British Parliament – “no taxation without representation” became their slogan. As a result, new taxes were often met with protests, boycotts and …

Geschichte: Sekundarstufe I, Sekundarstufe II


Cover: Revolutionary War

Attention! You can only work on this module if the entire class is participating. Ask your teacher whether you can produce a news report as it requires a lot of preparation time. You can start working on this module as soon as you and your classmates have completed module 6. Get together in groups of 4 to 5 pupils. On April 19th, 1775, a “shot heard around the world“ was fired at Lexington, Massachusetts and ignited the battles …

Geschichte: Sekundarstufe I, Sekundarstufe II


Cover: „A more perfect union

American Constitution, 1787: “We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”

Geschichte: Sekundarstufe I, Sekundarstufe II


Cover: Trail of Tears | Native Americans

Long before the arrival of the European settlers, a wave of migration coming from Asia led to the first population of North America. In the course of time, a vast variety of cultures developed on the continent. Today, they are often referred to as Native Americans or indigenous people; but for a long time, they were called Indians by the Europeans.

Geschichte: Sekundarstufe I, Sekundarstufe II


Cover: Atlantic Slave Trade | Video


Beginning from the discovery of America by Christopher Columbus in 1492, the European powers colonise America and wiped out most of the original inhabitants, for example, the Aztecs, the Incas, and the Native Americans. As a result, there were not enough workers on the continent from the 16th century onwards, especially to work on the coffee, tobacco and cotton plantations in South America, the Caribbean and the southern part of what is now the United States.


Geschichte: Sekundarstufe I, Sekundarstufe II




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